kaceyr 7 Nov, 2020 Memories of Crazy for You YPE 2020 Cast RhythmCast MusicStage and Tech CrewProduction Team“I have an idea!”“Nice work if you can get it…”“Stiff Upper Lip”“That man is a do-er, Bobby!”“Heck, I dunno.”“I don’t believe one word of this!”“I have asked you to marry me fifteen times!”“So which is it, Bobby? Me or Deadrock?”“I got rhythm!”“Ta-da!”“Tonight’s the night!”“Zoom, zoom. Zoom, zoom. The world is in a mess.”“Hands out. Hands together. Hands on head.”“Girls! To vork!”“Zis is Deadrock, Nevada, ya?”“We don’t care if we don’t go East again!”“I’m bidin’ my time…”“I can’t be bothered now!”“If my mother were here right now…”“I’m k-ra-zy for you!”“Vat do you say ve have intimate supper?”Deadrock CowboysNew York Showgirls Memory Lane